Automated Responses

Updated by Cassidy Chassagne

Create Automated Response by Keyword

If you have ever texted “Blue” or “Vote” to Biden’s 30330 short code number, you have used automated responses by keyword. The good thing is you don’t need a short code to do this with Switchboard.

All you have to do is create “keywords” that trigger automatic responses from your account and wait for your recipients to text into the numbers attached to your account!

Keywords trigger your responses across all broadcasts. Because of that, we do not recommend using words that could be sent to your account of the context of your keyword, i.e. words like “Yes” or “No” could trigger responses in ways you may not want.

Follow the instructions below to set this up:

  1. Navigate to Automated Messages page from your homepage.
  2. Click Add Keyword Message Reply.
  3. This will open a window where you will create the title of your automated reply. In the next step, you will compose the message and add the keyword(s) that trigger this message. Type in your title and click submit.
  4. This will open a new page. Find Keyword under Manage Keywords. Type in the keyword(s) you want to trigger your automated response.
    1. You can create multiple keywords to trigger these responses, but you must type them individually, click submit, and create the next one.
    These words must be sent back individually to trigger the response. If you want someone to get an automatic response by saying “RSVP” but they send back “I would love to come! RSVP.” They will not get this message.
  5. After you type in your keywords, move to Compose Automated Message. Here you can type your message text in the message box. You can also use custom fields like you would in your other broadcasts.
  6. This message will auto save once you are done!
  7. Anytime anyone replies to you with your keyword(s), our system will automatically tag them with a system-created label to indicate they sent in that keyword. For example: “Keyword: RSVP"
Create Automated Messages to New ActBlue Donors

If you have an ActBlue integration, you can set up an automated message to thank donors and/or encourage follow-up actions after someone donates through ActBlue. This message will be sent if:

  • A donor provides their phone number on your ActBlue donation form,
  • AND this is the first time they have donated to your organization,
  • AND they have not received a Switchboard text message from your organization.

If your ActBlue account is not integrated yet with Switchboard, contact

  1. Navigate to Automated Messages page from your homepage.
  2. Click New ActBlue Donor.
  3. This will open a new page. Go to Compose Automated Message. Here you can type your message text in the message box. You can also use custom fields like you would in your other broadcasts.
  4. Be sure to click enable when you are done.
Create a New Subscriber Message
  1. Navigate to Automated Messages page from your homepage.
  2. Click New Subscriber.
  3. This will open a new page. Go to Compose Automated Message. You can use custom fields like you would in your other broadcasts.
  4. Be sure to click enable to turn it on.

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