Font sizes and embedding photos or videos

Updated by Justine Hong

In the description and footer, you can use markdown to adjust fonts sizes and also embed videos or images. See examples below.

Text of different font sizes:
# An H1 Hello World
## An H2 Hello World
### An H3 Hello World
#### An H4 Hello World
##### An H5 Hello World
###### An H6 Hello World

An H1 Hello World

An H2 Hello World

An H3 Hello World

An H4 Hello World

An H5 Hello World
An H6 Hello World

Bold and italicized text


  • Using asterisks: *italicized text* → italicized text
  • Using underscores: _italicized text_ → italicized text


  • Using double asterisks: **bold text** -> bold text
  • Using double underscores: __bold text__ -> bold text
Embedding videos and photos

Follow the syntax below and preview your form to test these out!

Here is a YouTube video: []( 

Here is a Vimeo video: [](

Here is a video hosted on S3: [](

Here is an image of the Switchboard logo:


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