Schedule Send + Pause Your Broadcasts

Updated by miranda lan

Schedule Send Broadcasts

This feature allows you to schedule broadcasts at a later date/time. For example, if you want to send a broadcast out Saturday afternoon but don’t want to have to log-in on Saturday, you can build it earlier in the week and have it ready to go.

  1. After you build your broadcast and are ready to send it, scroll to the bottom of your broadcast page. Click Schedule Broadcast for Later.
  2. Click the box below Schedule Broadcast for Later to choose the date and time you want to schedule your broadcast.
  3. This will bring up a calendar with dates and the time at the bottom. Choose the date and time you’d like to have your broadcast sent. This is going to be in the timezone of your computer, make sure to double check the timezone before schedule sending!
  4. Once your date and time is set, click Schedule Broadcast.
  5. A new window will pop up to confirm. Click Schedule Broadcast.
  6. If you want to change when your broadcast is scheduled for, go back to step 3 and then click Update Broadcast.
  7. If you want to unschedule your broadcast, click Unschedule broadcast.
Automatically Pause and Unpause your Broadcasts
  1. Once you have drafted your broadcast and uploaded your list, you will see the options to send your broadcast. If your phone list is over 1,500 recipients you will see the “Automatic Pause” functionality pop up next to other broadcast send buttons. Click “Set Automatic Pause.”
  2. When you click “Set Automatic Pause you will see a menu that looks like this:
  3. You can set your Broadcast to automatically pause/unpause based on a few different criteria:
    1. Pause After # of Messages Sent: You can pause your messages after a certain number of delivered messages.
      ⚠️ Given how fast we send/delayed information given back to us by carriers, we are unable to offer 100% accuracy of auto-pause here. We will pause as close to this number as possible, but will likely deliver more messages than what is specified here given the speed at which we send batches of messages. The overage will be a larger % of the send for smaller broadcasts. If you are worried about going over a specific threshold, we recommend accounting for a bit of a cushion when indicating the number of messages.
    2. Pause After Date/Time: Indicate a date and time to pause this broadcast (required if you are unpausing based on ROI Ratio/Donation Results)
    3. Unpause by ROI and Donation Results: After your broadcast has paused, you can set your broadcast to automatically unpause if later in day your broadcasts results hit your specified ROI ratio.
      1. For example, you could set it at 150%, which means Switchboard will continue to check the results of your paused broadcast every few seconds; if your donations reach 150% of your initial spend it will unpause and send to the rest of your list.
        1. Optional: you can also indicate a specific number of donations to trigger an unpause in addition to your ROI ratio
      2. To take advantage of this feature you will need to set a Time/Date to pause the broadcast so that Switchboard knows when to stop checking your ROI (this saves us from checking your donations every 5 seconds for the rest of time!)
This feature will only work if you have set up an ActBlue integration to allow Switchboard to track donation data.

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